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Visit the Museum of Gangneung Embroidery, a space near Ojukheon where you can see exhibits of oriental embroidery from Korea, Japan, and China and experience embroidery (advance application required for embroidery experience) !


  • - On-site discount of 1,000 won for adult (individual) admission

Conditions of use & considerations

Applications of Benefits

- 6,000 won -> 5,000 won

- For seniors with senior discount cards and kindergarteners, elementary, middle, and high school students fees apply as before. (Seniors with senior discount cards: 2,000 won / Elementary, middle, and high school students: 5,000 won / kindergarteners: 4,000 won)


  • - This benefit is applied upon presentation of the KOREA TOUR CARD, and only applicable once a day.
  • - If you need to reserve in advance by phone or email , please indicate that you are a KOREA TOUR CARD holder and present the card at the site.
  • - Variations are possible if free gifts are run out earlier.
  • - Applicable to only 1 person(Foreigner) who holds the card

Store Information

  • The Museum of Gangneung Embroidery
  • The Museum of Gangneung Embroidery, 140-12, Jukheon-gil, Gangneung-si, Gangwon State, Republic of Korea
  • +82 33-644-0600
  • Opening hours:09;00~18:00 (winter season):10:00~17:00
  • closed on Mondays, Open all year round, if you would like to experience embroidery, please contact us in advance.
Homepage Information on street search Copy the whole address

Transportation Guide

Transportation - Bus

  • 아이콘

    Regular bus
